Author: Michael Barnard

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a hydrogen Class 8 truck with a massive, deflating bubble labeled with dollar signs above it

Another Day, Another Hydrogen Transportation Firm Sinks Into Its Inevitable Fate

It’s been a while since I bothered to bash hydrogen for transportation or cleantech special purpose acquisition corporations (SPAC), but the intersection of the two just crossed my screen. I’m talking about Hyzon, the SPAC-funded US-based manufacturer of heavy vehicles. Let’s start with SPACs and cleantech. These “blank check” companies … [continued]

ChatGTP & DALL-E generated panoramic image of an electric plasma melting glass in a furnace with a futuristic vibe and circuitry on the walls

Decarbonizing Industrial Heat Means Electrifying It — Transcript Of 2nd Half Of Podcast With Paul…

Recently I sat down virtually with professional chemical process engineer Paul Martin of Spitfire Research on my podcast Redefining Energy – Tech to discuss how much industrial heat can be replaced with electrical heat technologies (tl’dr: virtually all of it directly). In the theme of providing transcripts of presentations I’m … [continued]

Slide from presenting on decarbonizing industry for ISGF seminar series by Michael Barnard, TFIE Strategy Inc

Fixing Industrial Process Emissions — India Utility Seminar Transcript & Slides

Under the auspices of the India Smart Grid Forum, the think tank founded as an umbrella organization over India’s 28 state utilities to provide thought leadership, share leading practices, and bring international insights to India, I’m delivering bi-weekly webinars framed by the Short List of Climate Actions That Will Work. With the … [continued]

Midjourney generated image of a figleaf dripping black oil

Canada Follows Europe, China, & USA With Anti-Greenwashing Provisions, Oil & Gas Industry Freaks Out

You might be surprised to know that the oil, gas, and coal industries make claims that aren’t completely aligned with reality, and indeed often make claims that have no discernible relationship to it. I know, I know, it’s a shocking revelation. That’s why Canadian firms in the sector are leading … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a building being constructed with construction blocks made of greenery with a woman in a hardhat holding a leafy blueprint looking at it

Cement Displacement & Decarbonization Decade By Decade Through 2100

Cement is the gray glue that holds our economy together. It’s ubiquitous, if often hidden behind paint or plaster. It holds together the rock, sand, and steel that keep our buildings upright, our bridges spanning chasms, and our dams holding water for irrigation, generation, and recreation. And it’s a carbon … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a heavy, white fluid glugging out of a pipe

Dense Fluid Pumped Hydro Doesn’t Make Any Sense & A Mea Culpa

A recent online discussion on gravity storage brought the usual suspects out of the woodwork. Proponents of heavy fluid pumped hydro reared their sludgy heads this time. Follow along for why this is a silly idea, as all gravity storage options that aren’t pushing water uphill turn out to be. … [continued]

ChapGTP & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a chemical processing plant covered in circuitry and pulsing with electricity

Decarbonizing Industrial Heat Means Electrifying It — Transcript of Podcast With Paul Martin

Recently I sat down virtually with professional chemical process engineer Paul Martin of Spitfire Research on my podcast Redefining Energy – Tech to discuss how much industrial heat can be replaced with electrical heat technologies (tl’dr: virtually all of it directly). In the theme of providing transcripts of presentations I’m … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a cement plant with a large vacuum cleaner labeled "CCS" hovering over it

Cement Is One Of Few Industries Where Carbon Capture May Be Competitive In Niches

As concrete month draws nearer to a close, it’s time to look at an option not previously explored, continuing to use limestone but bolting on carbon capture and paying for waste disposal in permanent sequestration sites. After fifteen years of assessing carbon capture technologies, pilots and proposals, this is one … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated landscape-orientation abstract image of a large learning model spitting out a cloud of green answers

No, AI Queries & Images Aren’t Carbon Bombs, So Stop Hyperventilating

Regular readers will either appreciate or hate that for roughly 20 months I’ve been decorating my articles and presentations with images generated by artificial intelligence algorithms. I’m not going to address the full range of reasons, but will just do some basic math on the electricity use to get a … [continued]