Solar Bill of Rights©
This is something very interesting, and perhaps powerful, that I recently ran across. You want solar? Sign the Solar Bill of Rights©.
This is something very interesting, and perhaps powerful, that I recently ran across. You want solar? Sign the Solar Bill of Rights©.
A once-in-a-generation shift in U.S. science is being spurred by the Obama administration’s push to solve the nation’s energy problems, in a massive federal program that rivals the Manhattan Project. [social_buttons] This summary comes, not from just another renewable energy blogger like myself, overwhelmed by the gushing hose of news … [continued]
A new report by Network for New Energy Choices (NNEC) — Freeing the Grid — shows which states make it easy for people to sell electricity to the grid and which make it difficult. In addition, the report compares the current situation with the situation in 2007. Overall, there has … [continued]
Obama discussed a big project long overdo and sorely needed today — modernizing the US electric grid. But it is more than discussion. $3.4 billion in Recovery Act funding is going towards this new project. This is the most money ever awarded for clean energy in a single day … [continued]
We are used to the idea of powering our homes from our roofs, by now. But what if we could get our electricity from the basement? From what’s already down there… heating our homes. Everyone who uses natural gas to supply heat and to heat water, could be tapping into … [continued]
As PG&E ramps up renewable power in response to the California RPS requirement that it get 33% of its electricity from renewables by 2020; it has been exploring ways to add that much renewable power to the grid while smoothing out the ups and downs of wind energy, which often … [continued]
Where is the grid going, big or small?
One of the biggest problems with wind power is that it’s often trapped in low-density rural areas. ITC Holdings wants to bring wind energy to major US city centers with the “Green Power Express”, a network of transmission lines that will move 12,000 MW of power from the Midwest to … [continued]
PG&E may be installing millions of smart meters in Northern California, but the nation of Malta (pop. 400,000) is about to become the world’s first smart grid island. IBM is building the island’s national smart grid network, which will consist of 250,000 smart meters placed in homes around the country.
[social_buttons]GreenSmith Energy Management Systems has unveiled technology it claims can solve the peak demand issues experienced by U.S. utilities. The company has created a battery control-management system, that when paired with a lithium ion battery, can store up to 20 kilowatt-hours. The system can then deliver a full 4,000 discharge … [continued]