Author: Daryl Elliott

Silencing Science: Trump Campaign Tries To Quash Anthropogenic Connection To Climate Crisis

In a podcast by, a story is told of a scientist, Maria Caffrey, PhD, of the University of Colorado, Boulder, who works with the US Park Service. She did a four-year study of the potential impact of climate crisis on 118 national parks in 2030, 2050, and 2100. It was finished in late 2016 just before Donald Trump ascended to the presidency (after losing the vote by nearly 3,000,000 votes).

Ending The US Electoral College — Rationale & Testimony

For CleanTechnica readers not based in the US or unfamiliar with the US presidential election process, there is an odd system that is used that is not a simple one-person-one-vote system. Electoral College (EC) electors are used to represent the states. The number of electors are distributed unevenly, giving low populous states more votes than high populous states. This is an anachronistic holdover from a couple of centuries ago when newspapers were delivered by horse power … the old, original form of horsepower.

Animal Agriculture & Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, PTSD, Biodiversity Loss, & World Hunger

This is the part three of a multi-article series on the connection between animal agriculture and various societal and environmental problems. This article covers the relationship between animal agriculture and wildlife habitat encroachment, species extinctions, concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) odors, financially marginalized communities, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, world hunger, tax subsidies for animal agriculture, hidden costs of animal agriculture (including subsidized fast foods), slaughterhouse PTSD and alcohol/drug abuse, domestic abuse, human rights issues, and more.

Animal Agriculture & Water

This is the part two of a multi-article series on the connection between animal agriculture and various societal and environmental problems. This article covers animal agriculture’s connection to freshwater use, freshwater quality, water pollution violations, fishes and other sea animals, ocean hypoxia, and declining phytoplankton in the oceans.

Is Renewable Energy Enough To Stop Global Warming? What About Animal Agriculture?

With the climate generally growing warmer, it becomes more urgent and imperative to slow climate disruption. Recently, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a new report after reviewing 6,000 scientific studies and references. The IPCC suggests that it is vital that we keep the temperature delta within 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to the preindustrial historical average. If we were to exceed that level, we may see runaway climate warming. This dire situation demands that we do everything possible to improve our path forward.