Author: Tina Casey

Revved-Up Sand Could Purify Water

First there was the Life Straw.  Then there was the Aquaduct Tricycle.  Now ordinary sand could provide an answer to one of the thorniest problems of the future: how to purify drinking water for the many millions of people who don’t have access to a clean, disease-free source — and … [continued]

New Biogas Effort Launched in Manure Wars

When it comes to methane gas emissions and the impact on global warming, one’s thoughts naturally turn to the barrage of untreated manure unleashed by factory farms.  Methane is also an issue for small farms, especially the growing number of start-ups with little spare cash to invest in equipment.  To … [continued]

The New "Black Gold": Biofuel from Sewage

We’re already harvesting methane from sewage and spreading treated sewage solids on farms and open space, so it’s not a stretch to imagine running our cars on biofuel from sewage, too.  Specifically, running our cars on sewage grease.  An enormous amount of grease enters our sewer systems – about  495 … [continued]