Author: elzoido

Welcome To The Energiewende — The Movie

The accelerated phase-out of nuclear power following the nuclear disaster in Japan has put German energy policy on the map for many people. Since then, the word “Energiewende” has even become a new loanword in the English language. Despite the increase in international attention, many reports about the Energiewende miss … [continued]

Energy Commercials From Germany

Renewable energy, electric mobility, efficient buildings and appliances are the future. In Germany, that vision of the future is not only deeply rooted in public opinion, but also official policy – labeled the “Energiewende.” Owning a piece of that future today is thus a really good sales pitch, especially when … [continued]

100% Renewable Energy And Beyond!

While many countries still discuss whether or not a 100% renewable energy system – or “just” a 100% renewable electricity supply – is even theoretically possible, Germans seem no longer bothered by such unscientific doubts. To make matters “worse,” some of them (including myself) are even convinced that a transition … [continued]

Renewables Club Founded By 10 Countries

On the invitation of the German Environment Minister Peter Altmaier, high-level representatives from 10 countries have gathered in Berlin to establish the Renewables Club on June 1st, 2013. Their common goal is to scale up the deployment of renewable energy worldwide. Founding members of this pro-renewable alliance are the People’s … [continued]

ZSW cells , 18650 format (Source: ZSW)

New Durable High-Power Lithium-Ion Battery Developed In Germany

Scientists at the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW) in Ulm, Germany have developed a top-class lithium-ion battery, in terms of cycle stability – an important parameter for the lifetime. It is exceeding the current international state of technology for high-performance battery cells. More Than 85% of Capacity after 10,000 … [continued]

Energy Democracy — Video & Campaign

Here at CleanTechnica we try to cover developments in renewable energy as broad and in-depth as possible, but as our name indicates, there is a clear focus on technology. However the transformation/evolution of our energy system also has many other exciting aspects, and energy democracy through distributed generation and ownership … [continued]